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Awesome KII Session

This is one of MANY KII sessions my ghost hunting partner and friend Jon Almada and I conducted on New Year's Eve during an overnight investigation. The KII is an EMF meter. The belief is that spirits can manipulate and affect EMF levels as they manifest themselves. You have to consider that we take meticulous EMF baseline readings in every room during an investigation. You note what might be setting it off (television, bad wiring, radio, dishwasher, microwave, etc.). We did not get ANY random hits. These responses were ONLY after our questions. This is, no doubt in our minds, an intelligent spirit making contact with us. When you factor in the multiple shadow figure sightings in and out of this same room...mysterious knocks, etc. it's pretty compelling evidence of something paranormal in origin. Also...I just noticed the two knocks at :40 seconds into the video...We didn't hear those during the filming...these could be EVP sounds that would bolster the evidence as well.